Friends of Angola

Fonte VOA No seu relatório anual sobre os direitos humanos publicado, nesta quinta-feira, 22, a Amnistia Internacional (AI) revela que a intolerância política em Angola, em 2017, “foi cada vez mais normalizada devido em parte à indiferença do Governo face à violência sectária” e cita o caso da violência em Monte Belo. “Apesar de objecções…

Claudia Gastrow, University of Johannesburg The swearing in of the new Angolan parliament marks the first time in 38 years that Angola has a new president. João Lourenço, who Angolans refer to as “JLo”, replaces the long-serving José Eduardo dos Santos, who carries on as president of the ruling MPLA, the Movimento Popular de Libertação…

By allAfrica Luanda — Angolan MP-elect, Abel Chivukuvuku, announced on Thursday that he will decline his parliamentary mandate in 2017/2022 to prepare for the 2022 general election and the local elections. Abel Chivukuvuku made this pronouncement at the end of the 3rd Ordinary Meeting of the National Deliberation Council of CASA-CE coalition, held under the…

AFW2017090857105485 Lisbon Africa Monitor in English 08 Sep 17 [Article by Paulo Guilherme: “Angola: UNITA and CASA-CE Between Extreme Positions of Regime and Civil Society”] 1. The expectations of the international community, shared by Angolan civil society, that the regime would recognize irregularities in the electoral process, leading to a more transparent assessment of electoral…

Por SAPO24 As duas principais formações da oposição em Angola, a UNITA e a CASA-CE, obtiveram juntas mais votos na província de Luanda do que o MPLA (no poder há 42 anos), ao contrário do que aconteceu nas eleições de 2008 e 2012. Os resultados da província de Luanda, um dos mais populosos e onde…

By WPR With Jose Eduardo dos Santos stepping down after 38 years in power, there is little expectation in Angola of fair and free elections later this month. The ruling party headed by dos Santos has taken several steps to ensure its grip on power, stacking the deck against opposition parties and creating an election…